Gay pride outfits tumblr men

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Instagram post? check (posted after the orlando attack) ugh whatever just look at the fimq video and transcribe a few of those sign: “i’m gay and i love you!” harry: “i love you as well. Harry’s solo tour gave us a collection of amazing gay moments, including but not limited to a pride flag being waved on stage every single show. there are some people who claim they hear “them” instead of “him” but either way it’s definitely not only girls (bonus: the rest of the song is a thinly veiled metaphor for s*cking d*ck and i don’t know how to feel about it)

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the song was not on his album and we only have live versions of it, but the lyrics are “the boys and the girls are in/ i mess around with him/ and i’m okay with it”.

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When i was not yet in the fandom, news made the rounds that harry came out in a song: and he basically did. for convenience only i’m going to use the word gay

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Disclaimer!! i use gay as a general inclusive term, this doesn’t mean i see no possibility of harry being bi or falling somewhere else in the lgbt umbrella.

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